
As a not for profit company limited by guarantee, Sheffield BID is governed by a Board of up to 16 non-executive directors who are representative of the make-up of businesses within the BID area.

Details of all directors are available at Companies House.

Chair of the Board:

  • Tony Stacey - Tony was appointed independent Chair of the Board in June 2023.

Current non-executive directors are: 

  • RETAIL - Lee Appleton, New River REIT plc
  • INDEPENDENT BUSINESS - Nick Beecroft, HLM Architects
  • OPEN SEAT - Tom Bird, Sheffield Theatres
  • SOUTH YORKSHIRE POLICE - Superintendent Paul Ferguson, South Yorkshire Police
  • NIGHT-TIME ECONOMY - Mark Hobson, Corporation Nightclub
  • EDUCATION - Dan Lally, Sheffield Hallam University
  • SMALL BUSINESS - Duka Nagy, Smoke BBQ
  • OFFICE - Simon Nevill, Ove Arup
  • SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL - Cllr Joe Otten, Sheffield City Council
  • CULTURE - Clair Taylor, Sheffield Museums
  • TRANSPORT - Tim Taylor, South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
  • EDUCATION - Vanessa Toulmin, University of Sheffield
  • FOOD & RESTAURANT - Kane Yeardley, True North Brew Co

Co-opted board members:

  • Caroline Hamilton, Hamm Comms

The Board of Directors is accountable to the Company Members who are the equivalent of Shareholders. Company Members may attend general meetings, vote on resolutions and appoint board members. If you are a BID Levy Payer and wish to be admitted to the Company as a Company Member, please contact us for details.