26 Nov
Rapid action needed to access grants

Restart and Recovery Fund

A new £1.1m Restart and Recovery fund, available from Wednesday 2 December, will help businesses who have been unable to trade conventionally during the COVID-19 lockdowns to adapt using technology and other initiatives. Businesses will be able to apply for the Restart and Recovery support fund to implement more effective ways of working, trade online or employ initiatives to build customer confidence.

The fund is time limited on a first come first served basis. It is also open to the whole of South Yorkshire so please act ASAP if you can take advantage yourself. Please share the information with contacts at other small businesses. More information is available here.

Lockdown support grants

Lockdown support grants of up to £3,000 are still available to businesses who have been unable to trade due to the current and previous national lockdown and local restrictions.This includes hospitality, entertainment, leisure and sport facilities, non-essential retail and health and beauty sectors, as well as community halls and accommodation.Businesses who have been forced to close their primary business under these restrictions but are operating as either a takeaway or click and collect service are still eligible to apply for the grant. 

Supply chain grants

A new grant will launch next week to support businesses that largely rely on the hospitality, accommodation, leisure and entertainment sectors for their trade, and have therefore suffered a significant loss of trade due to COVID-19 restrictions. Grants of up to £2,100 will be available depending on a business’s fixed property costs. Further information on eligibility and how to apply will be issued by Sheffield City Council early next week.